Thong swimwear designs crossover from ladies to men

In the coastal city of Sun haven, a unique trend emerged that blurred the lines between traditional swimwear designs for men and women. It all began with a daring and innovative fashion designer named Taylor, who sought to challenge societal norms and create swimwear that embraced individuality without conforming to gender stereotypes.

Taylor’s design studio, located near the sun-kissed beaches of Sun haven, became a hub for creativity and experimentation. One day, inspired by the freedom of expression and the desire to break away from conventions, Taylor decided to explore the concept of thong swimwear for men—a style traditionally associated with women’s swimwear.

Micro Thong Swimsuit by Koalaswim

The initial designs were met with hesitation, but Taylor was determined to challenge preconceived notions about men’s fashion. The thong swimwear designs for men were crafted with a focus on comfort, functionality, and a touch of boldness. The styles ranged from classic and understated to vibrant and daring, with intricate details and patterns that echoed the spirit of the seaside city.

Taylor’s designs gained attention not only for their aesthetic appeal but also for promoting body positivity and embracing diverse body types. Sun haven’s residents, known for their open-mindedness, were quick to adopt the trend, and the thong swimwear for men became a symbol of confidence and self-expression on the city’s beaches.

As more men embraced the thong swimwear trend, it caught the eye of the fashion industry. Major brands started incorporating thong-style options into their men’s swimwear collections, recognizing the demand for more diverse and inclusive styles. Sun haven, once a quiet beach town, became a trendsetter in the evolving landscape of men’s fashion.

The thong swimwear movement didn’t just stay confined to the shores of Sun haven. It spread to other coastal cities, challenging traditional norms and encouraging people to express themselves freely. Fashion runways featured models confidently strutting in thong swimwear, breaking barriers and opening conversations about gender-neutral fashion.

In Sun haven, an annual event called “Seaside Expressions” emerged, celebrating the diversity of swimwear styles and encouraging people to showcase their unique tastes. The event became a fusion of fashion, art, and self-expression, with thong swimwear taking center stage as a symbol of breaking free from societal expectations.

As the thong swimwear trend continued to gain popularity, it contributed to a broader shift in the fashion industry’s approach to gender norms. Designers began to blur the lines between traditionally male and female fashion, creating a more inclusive and diverse range of options for everyone.

Taylor, the visionary behind the thong swimwear movement, became a respected figure in the fashion world. The once controversial designs evolved into a symbol of liberation, challenging stereotypes and encouraging people to embrace their authentic selves. Sun haven, now known for its progressive fashion scene, proved that innovative design could transcend gender boundaries and pave the way for a more inclusive future in the world of swimwear.

As the thong swimwear trend continued to gain momentum, Sun haven became a symbol of progressive fashion and a beacon of acceptance. The city’s beaches, once known for traditional swimwear, now featured a diverse array of styles that celebrated individuality and self-expression.

Taylor’s design studio flourished, attracting attention from fashion enthusiasts, influencers, and even celebrities. The innovative approach to thong swimwear designs for men had not only reshaped the local fashion scene but had also left a lasting impact on the global conversation about gender-neutral fashion.

Sun haven’s Seaside Expressions event grew into a renowned annual festival that drew people from far and wide. Designers, artists, and performers converged on the city, turning it into a vibrant celebration of diversity and creativity. Thong swimwear became the canvas through which people expressed their unique personalities, and the festival became a platform for breaking down barriers in fashion.

International fashion magazines featured Sun haven as a trendsetting destination, highlighting the city’s commitment to inclusivity and the evolution of swimwear styles. Designers from around the world took inspiration from Sun haven’s thong swimwear movement, incorporating more daring and gender-neutral options into their collections.

The fashion industry’s acknowledgment of diverse swimwear styles led to a shift in advertising and marketing. Campaigns began featuring models of all body types of confidently sporting thong swimwear, challenging outdated beauty standards and promoting body positivity.

As Sun haven continued to influence the global fashion landscape, the thong swimwear trend transcended beaches and found its way into pools, resorts, and even mainstream fashion shows. The once controversial style had become a symbol of liberation and self-acceptance.

In the midst of this fashion revolution, Taylor’s design studio remained at the forefront, continuously pushing the boundaries of creativity. Collaborations with other designers, activists, and influencers propelled the movement even further, fostering a community that embraced the idea that fashion should be a reflection of one’s true self, regardless of gender.

Sun haven’s journey from a coastal city with traditional swimwear norms to a global fashion influencer showcased the power of fashion to challenge societal expectations. The thong swimwear movement not only redefined men’s swimwear but also contributed to a broader conversation about the fluidity of fashion and the importance of embracing diversity in all its forms.

And so, as the waves of change continued to wash ashore in Sun haven, the city stood as a testament to the transformative power of fashion, proving that the pursuit of self-expression and acceptance could reshape the world one daring design at a time.

As the thong swimwear trend continued to make waves globally, Sun haven evolved into a destination not just for fashion but for a broader celebration of self-expression. The city’s annual Seaside Expressions festival became a nexus of creativity, attracting not only fashion enthusiasts but also artists, performers, and activists from various disciplines.

The festival expanded to include art installations, live performances, and discussions on inclusivity in the fashion industry. It became a platform for addressing societal norms and promoting conversations about breaking free from traditional gender roles. Sun haven had become a symbol of a progressive and accepting community that valued individuality above all.

The thong swimwear movement’s influence extended beyond the fashion world. Sun haven’s success inspired other communities to embrace diverse swimwear styles, fostering a global shift towards more inclusive fashion choices. The once-controversial thong swimwear for men was now seen as a symbol of liberation, challenging the binary constructs that had confined fashion for so long.

Taylor’s design studio became a hub for collaborative projects that aimed to challenge and redefine societal norms. The studio hosted workshops, seminars, and mentorship programs, encouraging emerging designers to explore unconventional ideas and push the boundaries of creativity. Sun haven’s fashion community had become a driving force for change in the broader fashion landscape.

The global recognition of Sun haven’s influence led to partnerships with international organizations dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusivity. Sun haven’s Seaside Expressions festival became a stage for showcasing designers from around the world who were pushing the boundaries of gender-neutral and inclusive fashion.

In the midst of this transformative journey, the thong swimwear trend for men evolved further. Designs became more intricate, materials more sustainable, and the movement itself grew into a symbol of environmental consciousness. Sun haven, once a city focused on breaking fashion norms, now led the charge in sustainable and ethical fashion practices.

The thong swimwear movement’s success was not without its challenges. There were pockets of resistance, criticism, and pushback from conservative viewpoints. However, the people of Sun haven stood firm, advocating for the right to express oneself authentically and dismantling societal expectations one swimwear choice at a time.

As the years passed, Sun haven’s influence on the global fashion scene continued to grow. The city became a pilgrimage site for those seeking not only a beautiful coastal experience but also a community that embraced diversity, creativity, and the ever-evolving landscape of fashion.

And so, with each Seaside Expressions festival, Sun haven sent ripples of change across the fashion world, reaffirming the idea that fashion is a form of self-expression that should be limitless, inclusive, and reflective of the diverse tapestry of humanity. The thong swimwear movement had transcended its origins, leaving an indelible mark on the world and inspiring generations to come.

The Evolution of Spandex Swimsuits: Designs and Styles for Men

The Evolution of Spandex Swimsuits: Designs and Styles for Men: Exploring Global Trends


The world of men’s swimsuits has witnessed significant transformations over the years, with spandex emerging as a versatile and popular fabric choice. Spandex, known for its stretch and form-fitting properties, has revolutionized swimwear design, allowing for enhanced comfort, mobility, and style. This article delves into the evolution of spandex swimsuit designs and styles for men, exploring global trends that have shaped the modern landscape of men’s swim fashion.

The Advent of Spandex

Spandex, also known as Lycra or elastane, was introduced in the 1950s and quickly gained popularity in the textile industry. Its unique elasticity and ability to retain shape revolutionized swimwear design, paving the way for a new era of form-fitting and functional swimsuits for men. Spandex blends are often used in conjunction with other materials to provide optimal stretch, durability, and quick-drying capabilities.

Black Panther Micro spandex swimsuit for men

Classic Styles: Briefs and Trunks

The introduction of spandex led to the emergence of classic swimwear styles for men. Briefs, also known as speedos, gained popularity due to their minimalistic design and body-hugging fit. They offer freedom of movement and reduced drag in the water, making them a preferred choice for competitive swimmers. Trunks, on the other hand, are slightly longer in length and provide a more modest option while still offering the benefits of spandex’s stretch and comfort.

Board Shorts: A Casual and Versatile Choice

Board shorts, characterized by their longer length and loose-fitting design, gained popularity in the surfing culture of the 1960s and 1970s. Initially made of non-stretch materials, board shorts now often incorporate spandex blends to provide greater flexibility and comfort. They have become a versatile choice for beachgoers and water sports enthusiasts, offering a relaxed and casual aesthetic with enhanced mobility.

Contemporary Styles: Swim Jammers and Square Cut

Swim jammers, originally designed for competitive swimmers, have gained popularity in recent years as a stylish and functional option for men. These form-fitting shorts, extending from the waist to above the knee, provide excellent compression and reduced drag in the water. They are commonly used in swimming training, triathlons, and other aquatic sports, and their spandex composition ensures a streamlined fit and optimal performance.

Square-cut swimsuits, often referred to as swim briefs or swim trunks with a squared-off leg opening, offer a balance between classic briefs and longer trunks. With a form-fitting silhouette and a slightly more modest length, square-cut swimsuits have become a popular choice among men seeking a modern and stylish look without compromising on comfort or freedom of movement.

Innovative Designs and Patterns

Alongside various styles, spandex swimwear for men has seen a surge in innovative designs and patterns. From solid colors to vibrant prints, geometric patterns to tropical motifs, there is a wide range of choices available to suit individual tastes and preferences. These designs allow men to express their personal style, whether it be bold and attention-grabbing or understated and sophisticated.

Global Influences and Cultural Trends

Swimwear designs for men are not limited to a single region or culture. Global influences and cultural trends have played a significant role in shaping the variety of spandex swimsuit styles available today. For example, European designs often showcase sleek and streamlined aesthetics, while South American styles may feature bolder colors and patterns. Asian-inspired designs often incorporate minimalist and contemporary elements.

Spandex swimsuit designs and styles for men have evolved significantly over time, offering a diverse array of options for fashion-conscious individuals. From classic briefs and trunks to board shorts, swim jammers, and square-cut swimsuits, the world of men’s swimwear showcases a range of styles to cater to different preferences and activities. With spandex as a key component, these swimsuits provide optimal comfort, mobility, and style, enabling men to enjoy their time in the water with confidence and individuality.

The Cutting Edge: Exploring Bikinis, Thongs, G-Strings, and Micro Shorts as Trendsetting Styles in Men’s Spandex Swimsuits


As men’s swimwear continues to evolve, cutting-edge styles are emerging, challenging traditional norms and expanding the boundaries of fashion. Bikinis, thongs, g-strings, and micro shorts, once associated primarily with women’s swimwear, are making waves as bold and progressive choices in men’s spandex swimsuits. This article delves into these trendsetting styles, highlighting their growing popularity, impact on body positivity, and the breaking of gender stereotypes in the realm of men’s swim fashion.

Breaking Gender Barriers: Bikinis for Men

Twinkle MTF style swimsuit for men by Koala

Bikinis, traditionally associated with women’s swimwear, have become a revolutionary choice for men seeking to express their confidence, individuality, and body positivity. Men’s bikini swimwear typically features a low-rise design, narrow sides, and a contoured pouch, providing a form-fitting and revealing silhouette. By challenging societal norms, men embracing bikinis reclaim their right to explore diverse styles and celebrate their bodies, irrespective of gender expectations.

Embracing Sensuality: Thongs and G-Strings

Thongs and g-strings, renowned for their minimalistic design and revealing nature, are gaining popularity as cutting-edge styles in men’s spandex swimwear. These styles feature a narrow back coverage, leaving the buttocks exposed, and a contoured front pouch for comfort and support. By embracing thongs and g-strings, men challenge the notion that sensuality and self-expression are exclusive to women’s swim fashion. These daring styles allow individuals to feel confident, sexy, and empowered, transcending societal limitations.

Micro Shorts: A Fusion of Style and Comfort

Micro shorts are characterized by their shorter length, typically above mid-thigh, providing a modern and stylish alternative for men seeking a more revealing yet versatile swimwear option. Designed with spandex blends, micro shorts offer a form-fitting and streamlined silhouette, ensuring comfort and flexibility in and out of the water. These shorts combine the best of both worlds, offering a balance between contemporary aesthetics and the functional aspects of traditional swim trunks.

Body Positivity and Individual Expression

The emergence of bikinis, thongs, g-strings, and micro shorts in men’s spandex swimwear challenges body image stereotypes and promotes body positivity. These styles encourage men to embrace their unique physique, regardless of societal expectations or conventional notions of masculinity. By choosing these trendsetting designs, individuals can express their personal style, celebrate their bodies, and inspire others to do the same. It fosters a more inclusive and accepting environment where all bodies are celebrated and respected.

Impact on Fashion and Culture

The adoption of bikinis, thongs, g-strings, and micro shorts in men’s spandex swimwear reflects a broader cultural shift towards gender inclusivity, self-expression, and breaking free from traditional fashion constraints. These trendsetting styles are redefining the boundaries of men’s swim fashion, challenging outdated norms, and opening doors for more diverse and progressive designs. They encourage dialogue and reshape societal perceptions of masculinity, emphasizing that style knows no gender boundaries.


Bikinis, thongs, g-strings, and micro shorts are at the forefront of cutting-edge styles in men’s spandex swimsuits. By embracing these bold choices, men are defying gender stereotypes, celebrating body positivity, and expressing their individuality. These trendsetting styles redefine the landscape of men’s swimwear, pushing the boundaries of fashion and creating a more inclusive and diverse culture. Ultimately, they empower individuals to confidently showcase their unique style and embrace their bodies with pride.

Spandex at work

Spandex Swimsuits

I was caught wearing one of my spandex swimsuits under my clothes the other day at work. I usually try my best to make sure that no one knows I am wearing anything under my clothes, but for some reason my boss saw what I was wearing. He called me into his office a short time later and I just knew that I was going to get into some kind of trouble. He had an expression on his face like he was about to fire me, but that isn’t what happened. Instead he told me to sit down and asked me about the tights I had on under my clothes.

I explained to him that I enjoyed wearing spandex swimsuits under my clothes and I knew it went against the dress code, but I tried to make sure no one saw it. I was ready to accept my fate at that point and started wondering what other jobs I could possibly get in this current economy. That is when he stood up and raised his shirt to show me that he was also wearing tights under his clothing. He laughed and said that he had never met anyone else that enjoyed wearing something like this and he had no issues with me wearing them.

We have traded tips on wearing spandex swimsuits to work and enjoy talking about how comfortable they are. I never thought my boss would be into something like this and was amazed to find out that he and I were much more alike than I had thought. I’m not expecting any type of out of work friendship with him or anything like that. But it is nice to know that I am not the only person that has a secret fetish at work. Maybe this is the beginning of something a bit more entertaining in my life.

Men’s spandex micro swimsuits by

Male to female transformation men’s swimwear

Men’s Spandex Swimwear

Most of the men’s spandex swimwear that I have seen has been exceptionally sexy and I would love to wear them out on the beach. The only issue I have is that there isn’t a beach even remotely close to me. Now that doesn’t mean that I haven’t gone to the beach before as I like to plan my vacations around being close to a beach. But I also don’t want to buy something like this in the hopes that I will get to wear them on vacation one week out of the year. I want to be able to wear them as much as I can if I am spending money on them.

 Now I know that I could just buy the men’s spandex swimwear and wear them around here, but I don’t know if I am ready for the looks that I am going to get from my neighbors. These people are pretty uptight when it comes to things like this especially when you consider the fact that I live in a predominately small conservative Christian town. They might end up hitting my house late at night with torches and pitchforks trying to “drive the devil” out or something.

I will have to buy at least one men’s spandex swimwear design before heading to the beach in order to make sure it fits perfectly I just won’t be able to walk around in public with them on. I guess that wouldn’t be so bad though. Maybe if I like the way they feel that much I could turn it into a little game and walk around town with them on under my clothing just to see if anyone out there would even notice. Now that I think of it like that, I will probably buy a bunch of them and give up wearing underwear altogether. My doctor visits will definitely become a bit more interesting too and I will see if he breaks his confidentiality when it comes to what I am wearing.

Spandex is hot!

Spandex Swimsuits

I have recently come across a couple of sites online that sell spandex swimsuits and was amazed at the designs they were offering. I have seen quite a lot of designs being worn where I live but none of them compared to what I was seeing online. I did not even realize that some of those designs were meant to be worn to the beach as they looked like something a guy would wear to a sex club or something. I will admit that I am pretty new to this subject, so I am not sure what to think about some of them, but I do like the looks of a lot of them.

I have spent enough time looking around for some spandex swimsuits that I could wear to the beach that I might have found a new fetish to get involved in. The more that I look into some of these designs the more that I really want to try them out, even if there are some that I will not be able to wear out in public. I just do not know if I would be able to wear the regular ones out to the beach if I ended up getting those erotically charged ones that I keep seeing. I guess the only way to make sure is to buy some of them and see what happens, though.

I love looking at spandex swimsuits and I am finding it rather difficult to pick out just one that I want to try out for now. I told myself going into this that I am only going purchase one design in order to see if I actually enjoy wearing something like this but finding that one design is proving to be rather difficult. Every page I come across there are at least three designs that I simply can’t live without and I can already see that this is going to be a hobby that I will have to place a strict budget on. I really do not need to get into debt over something like this simply because I can’t make up my mind on which one, I am going to buy first.

Spandex Swimsuits. The hot men’s choice.

Spandex Swimsuits

There are a lot of different spandex swimsuits available on the market these days that you can choose to wear out on the beach or to a pool party. One of the things that you need to think about is whether or not you are going to be spending a lot of time in front of the general public. If you are planning to be a part of the general public the majority of your time, then you should be searching for designs that will be safe for you to wear in that type of environment. You do not want to be wearing something a little too sexy in public as you run the risk of getting into a little bit of trouble that way.

If you are planning on wearing your spandex swimsuits to private pool parties that you or your friends are throwing, and you won’t be in public a lot; then you can pretty much wear whatever you want as long as you are not offending anyone. I usually tend to ask the people I am going to be around at these parties what they plan on wearing. In that way, I have some kind of idea as to what I should. If they are wearing something extra sexy, then I know I can wear something that will make everyone blush.

These are the types of things you need to consider when choosing to wear spandex swimsuits. I know that it is not the most effective use of your time for the most part. On the other hand, if you end up wearing one of the more erotic options in public, you probably are not going to have a very good day. I have had to live through a day like that and was simply lucky that I did not end up getting a ticket for it. I actually thought the design that I was wearing was pretty tame compared to some of the other options I had in mind to wear. But, the elderly couple on the beach did not seem to feel the same way about it as I did. I have now stopped wearing those designs and went for the more casual options in order to make everyone around me happy. One of these days people will realize that wearing spandex is not all that bad. They should be happy that I am not walking around naked every time I go to the beach.

Men’s sexy swimwear designs to be seen in.

Fun with men’s spandex swimsuits.

Spandex Swimsuits

For all of the people living around the world, summer is right around the corner. In other parts, you are most likely starting to feel a slide from warm weather into the, often, frigid temperatures. No matter what your situation may be, you should know that anytime of the year means that you can shop for spandex swimsuits. All that is required is motivation to start building up your swimsuit wardrobe, even if you are in colder weather. You can depend on the weather allowing  you to wear those swimsuits eventually. On the other hand, when you buy swimsuits during the “off” season, you are much more likely to get some great bargains.

Men who tend to wear only spandex swimsuits state that once they discovered these versatile swimsuits, that was it for them.  They only wanted to wear swimsuits made from spandex. These guys say that this fabulous fabric can do things to them that they cannot imagine wearing anything else. It has such a breathable quality that offer comfort no matter where you are wearing them. In warm weather, spandex makes you feel a little cooler, and when wearing spandex in cooler weather, you will feel warmer. No one seems to know just who should get the credit for these features.

There is one more simple thing you need to know about spandex swimsuits. You must keep your body in decent shape if you are going to wear these swimsuits successfully. This is something that most couch potatoes will not want to hear. The sad truth is that you will have a decision to make. Do you want to look sexy and amazing while others watch you stroll along the beach or do you want to just continue to sit on the couch as you watch  your favorite sports teams play games? If you choose to look great in spandex, then it might take a bit of work to get there. But that should be a motivation in and of itself. So if you want to wear sexy swimsuits, it is time to get your inflated ass off of that couch and get started.

Micro spandex swimwear for men!

Spandex Swimsuits

When it comes to swimwear, there is nothing more flattering and comfortable than spandex swimsuits. As a man, you must definitely have heard of a wonderful fabric called spandex. What you may not be familiar with are swimsuits that are made from this remarkable material. All it took for that to happen is, most likely, a man much like yourself, to want something a bit different to wear when he visited his favorite swimming venue. This man may have gone in search of the differences he desired and, after a considerable amount of looking around, he realized that there was a very simple answer to solve his quest. Why not put spandex and swimsuits together? This theory may very well be how things got started.  At any rate, it was a good call. 

Designers heard the cry from men all over the world and they listened. The result was the creation of spandex swimsuits. Men were flocking everywhere that these new and very different swimsuits were put on the shelves of all of the shops selling menswear. This seemed to happen more often in high end shops, but they also were sold in department stores; basically, everywhere that men’s swimwear is sold. There is something for every man, no matter what style they may prefer. In addition, if you decide that you want to shop privately, all you need to do is go online and you will find many websites that sell swimsuits made from spandex. You also do not have to worry about sales people peering over your shoulder. While they are meant to assist you, they can, at times, be rather annoying.

There is one other thing to address. That point is that spandex swimsuits can be a dream come true for many men, particularly those who have taken care of their bodies. These are the men who can wear any swimsuit and totally rock it. On the other hand, if men who are terribly overweight try to stuff themselves like sausages into spandex, they might want to consider getting into decent physical shape before unleashing themselves on the unsuspecting public. It may not be easy at first, but it will be worth it when you see the result.

Spandex Swimsuits are Hot!

Spandex Swimsuits

When it comes to spandex swimsuits, you may not have ever heard of them, let alone worn one. However, swimsuits created from spandex quickly became very popular as soon as they were launched to the public. Men who were in decent physical shape were flocking to the stores where these swimsuits were sold. These guys are the ones who wore as little on their bodies as possible when they went swimming,  especially when swimsuits became smaller and smaller. They were the men who gravitated to shorts, briefs, bikinis, micro bikinis and even pouches. Anything that set off their sexy bodies drew them in and continued to keep them coming back for more.

Now, if you happen to be one of the minority of men who have not known about spandex swimsuits, it is important to take a few minutes to learn more about them. First of all, spandex is the perfect fabric to use when making swimsuits. The fit of this swimwear is incredible. It acts almost like a part of your body due to the way it breathes along with you. This is one of the main reasons that spandex is used in lots of competitive sports as well as swimwear. Items created from spandex also retain their original shape. You will never have to pull and tug on swimsuits made from spandex because they are made to stay in shape.

Buying your spandex swimsuits is so simple that there is no excuse for you not to even try out one of them. All you need is access to a computer and the Internet and you are good to go. There are so many online stores that you will have all the choices that you need when shopping for your swimsuit made from spandex. Everything is handled discreetly so you will not be embarrassed about any one you know seeing what you are purchasing. You might not feel confident about wearing the swimsuit initially, but once you slip into it, you will never look back at anything made from cotton or polyester again.

Spandex Swimsuits Could not be Any More Comfortable

Spandex Swimsuits Could not be Any More Comfortable

If you are constantly searching for and failing to find comfortable swimwear, then you have obviously not stumbled upon spandex swimsuits. Not only are these swimsuits the most comfortable ones in existence, but they offer the men who wear them the extra added perk of molding the spandex to the body in such a way as to get positive attention everywhere they go to enjoy the sun and water. All men will certainly agree that if you are going to be stared at, positive stares are most preferable. On the other hand, swimsuits made from spandex offer more perks than just those lustful looks from acquaintances and strangers alike. They will mostly get plenty of phone numbers and asked out on dates.

Keeping in mind that spandex swimsuits make you look your very hottest when visiting your favorite swimming venue; you also need to understand that you can look great while also feeling comfortable. A lot of swimwear might make you look pretty good, but it is also usually uncomfortable because you need to worry about your posture or something like that. Swimwear made from spandex takes that annoying worry away from you. Spandex is often known as the miracle material because of how it acts with your skin. It is almost like it breathes with your skin. That keeps you from becoming too hot or feeling chilled no matter what the temperature might be.

You could seriously not ask for more than comfort and a flattering fit that you will get when you purchase spandex swimsuits. Just ask any man who has made the switch from ordinary swimwear made from cotton or some other fabric. Spandex allows you to feel as if you are not wearing anything, which allows you to experience the feeling of being totally nude even while visiting a swimming venue that is not clothing optional. It is that very sensation that men love about spandex. If you are not getting everything you want from your current swimsuits, it is time to at least try spandex and see if they do not cause you to be another convert.


Photo of me wearing a new addition to my collection. A neoprene bikini by I love spandex and I have a growing interest in micro neoprene swimsuits too!